NC CASE is a professional educational organization affiliated with the Council for Exceptional Children and the North Carolina Association of School Administrators. Our mission is to provide leadership and support to members and subscribers by influencing policies and practices that impact the quality of special education and related services for students. It is our goal to be your voice to help improve policies, practices and services in the state of North Carolina for administrators, teachers and most importantly, students with disabilities.

CASE (Council of Administrators of Special Education), a division of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), is an international professional organization that provides leadership to advance the field of special education through
professional learning, policy, and advocacy. CASE is committed to the core values of visionary leadership, inclusionary practices, engagement, and integrity. CASE engages with lawmakers and partner organizations on a national
and state level.
Help drive the profession forward by becoming a member of NC CASE! Benefits of membership include:
Discounts on professional learning events, including the NC CASE Conference (scheduled for Sept. 29 through Oct. 2 at Wrightsville Beach)
Access to Members Only opportunities such as “New Directors’ Network” and “60 Minutes with Myrna”
CASE Member Update, a weekly electronic newsletter
Access to the Journal of Special Education Leadership
Access to CASE Administrator of Special Education Professional Standards and targeted resources
Networking through an online platform, CASE CommUnity
To join, go to https://www.casecec.org/join or contact Glenda Starr, the NC CASE Membership Chair, at glendastarr41@gmail.com.
Dear Fellow NCCASE Members,
It is an honor to serve as your NCCASE President and I look forward to making an impact for you, and ultimately for students, in this important role. Thank you for entrusting me as your newest leader!
Special education is a passion I have developed over the course of nearly 30 years. After beginning in the classroom as a teacher, I became a program specialist and then Special Education Director. I joined Nash County Public Schools in 2008 and currently serve as the Executive Director of Student Services and Special Education. My experience at each of these levels has provided an understanding of the realities, challenges, and opportunities we have as educators and leaders in this critical field.
I firmly believe in the vision of NCCASE and approach this leadership role with intention and eagerness to advance our mission. The ability to provide support, influence policies and practices, and advocate for programs that improve the quality of special education and services is a responsibility for which I am seriously committed.
Making a difference in the lives of students with disabilities across North Carolina can be achieved by providing high quality programs that focus on educating the whole child. Together, we can change the trajectory of students today and in the future.
NCCASE has a long-standing history of advocacy and support for special education across the state. We continue to prioritize the following areas in our mission to improve the quality of education for students with disabilities:
● Supporting recommended changes to the EC Funding Formula and appropriations process to focus allotment decisions based on service needs for students instead of a straight per student allotment;
● Continuing to work with the Division of Health Benefits to approve and increase the number of Medicaid Billable services for school districts;
● Working to improve recruitment and retention of Highly Qualified EC staff, including School Psychologists, in the state;
● Continuing to support and work for improvement in available financial resources to encourage school safety and mental health services throughout the state.
● Supporting Special Education Directors across the state by partnering with the NC Office of Special Education to develop a mentor program for new directors
Thank you for the countless hours you contribute day after day, for your tireless commitment to special education in our state, and for the daily impact you make in the lives of so many students and families.
It is a privilege to walk alongside you in the relentless pursuit of excellence for special education and act as a voice on your behalf.
My best,
Christ Gran
Christy Grant, M.Ed.
NC CASE President
Executive Director of Student Services and Special Education | Nash County Public Schools
![Christy Grant (1)[79].jpg](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/e5d62b_c6fc6074d5ac4065ae6dcac91de556b3~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_102,h_110,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,blur_2,enc_avif,quality_auto/Christy%20Grant%20(1)%5B79%5D.jpg)
View information on current Board members
September 28 - October 1, 2025
Join us for the 2025 Annual Fall NCCASE Conference. Held at Wrightsville Beach, NC. The Conference kicks off Sunday evening, September 298at 7:00 pm in Turtle Watch for food, beverages, networking, fellowship and FUN!
Registration information will be posted soon!
An agenda will be provided as soon as developed.
All Conference activities and sessions will be held at the Holiday Inn Resort Lumina on Wrightsville Beach. For hotel booking information, click on the "More" tab at the top of the home page and click on the Conference Information option.

Please consider sharing this with any special education teacher in NC who is implementing innovative and exciting initiatives in his/her classroom.
Award Recipients:
Andrews High School, Guilford County Schools
Greg Desern, Special Education Teacher, Adapted Curriculum
Ledford High School/Stoner Thomas Education Center, Davidson County Schools
Savannah Sperlazza, Special Education Teacher, Adapted Curriculum

If you are interested in being a vendor for the 2024 Annual NCCASE Fall Conference,please contact:
Mike Marcela mmarcela@wnccumc.net
Teresa Owens towens@highpoint.edu
Sandy Albert salbert@mgsd.k12.nc.us

You Can Make a Difference
Your support is important to our work at North Carolina Council for Administrators of Special Education. Join CEC and NC CASE! Learn more about how you can get involved.

NC CASE is proud to partner with Goalbook.
View Goalbook's Special Education Spotlight Series for Administrators by clicking here
New Statewide Evaluation Highlights Research-Based Tool to Support Your SIMR Goal
A new Tier 2 evaluation conducted with UNC Greensboro found that 3rd–8th grade students with special needs in schools where educators have access to Goalbook Toolkit had statistically higher reading scores than the comparison students in schools where teachers did not have access to Goalbook.
This correlation was true across all student sub-groups (gender, race, ethnicity, SES), and results increased year over year.
We share these findings because they suggest Goalbook Toolkit may be an excellent, research-based way for you to align your resources and action steps with your SIMR goal.
To learn more about the study and how Goalbook Toolkit can support your SIMR goal, view the attached flyer or connect with Goalbook.